Commie Reds Puck Off.

Over the course of one's life there will be many historic monumental memories. Some memories are easily recalled just by remembering where you were or what you were doing at the time. Do you remember where you were on that summer day back on July 20th 1969 when a man first walked on the moon? How about your recollections as to what you were doing on that sunny Tuesday morning back on September 11th, 2001? 

Memories frozen in your mind for life, but easily thawed in a split second never to be forgotten.

As a twelve year old boy I was attending Lawrence Heights Junior High School on what would be a historic monumental day for my country Canada. It was September 28th 1972, I was in grade seven and it would be a day I will never forget.

Game eight and the final game of the historic Summit Series would be played on that day in Russia. Canada as a nation would come to a complete stop on that afternoon. People took the day off work or employers let employees leave early. For those who had to work, a television or radio was very close by. Students from coast-to-coast filled school gymnasiums and auditoriums. At my school televisions on high stands were wheeled into our gym while both students and staff waited anxiously for the big game to start. The energy and excitement in the air on that beautiful fall day was unforgettable.

At Lawrence Heights most of the students were assembled in the gym, sitting on the newly waxed hardwood floor. All their heads tilted upwards watching one of the two elevated black and white televisions. All their hands clapping and all their voices cheering for Team Canada. I was lucky enough to be able to watch the game in a classroom at the other end of the school. One of my teachers had brought in a small portable black and white TV from home. Me along with about a dozen or so other students preferring to witness history in a more subdued and much less hysterical atmosphere.

The Summit Series would mean more to Canada than any other sporting event prior to and since that September day back in 1972. With the Soviets continually dominating international hockey, it was their Commie given right to boast how they were the supreme hockey nation.

And who would argue?

But there was a nation that did take exception to the Soviet's claim. It would be Canada the birthplace of hockey. Canada, where hockey was more than a sport, hockey was a religion. Now the world or at least the two largest countries by landmass would find out once and for all who would have bragging rights for hockey supremacy. 

It would be either Canada or Russia.

The series had started with so much fanfare twenty-seven days earlier when the Soviets faced off against the mighty overly confident Team Canada squad at the Montreal Forum. Prime Minister Trudeau dropped the puck for the ceremonial first faceoff and within thirty seconds Canada was up 1-0. Canada would score again quickly and it seemed laughable that the Russians would be able to compete with our professional players. All of them proudly heeding their country’s call of duty to battle this unknown cold war enemy. The Russians would come back on that night to win the first game 7-3. 

Canada was in a state of shock. 

The following three games would also be played on Canadian ice. By the time game four ended in Vancouver on September 8th, Canada was now trailing in games 2-1, with one tie. The series final four games would be played over in Moscow. I will never forget the emotional post-game ice level interview with Phil Esposito in front of an angry, pissed off nation after game four.

In Russia, Team Canada was the victim of many uncontrollable circumstances. From bad food, late night crank phone calls to player’s rooms and bad refereeing. And let's not forget the utmost sin, stealing Team Canada’s Canadian beer. It just seemed Canada was up against insurmountable odds heading into today’s finale. 

Canada needed a win. Canada must win.

A victory and Canada would win the series and for at least a few years claim title to worldwide hockey supremacy. A loss would be an embarrassment not just for the players and the coaches, but the country that had expected and demanded so much more from them. I could only imagine the pressure Team Canada felt going into the final game. There would be sixty minutes of hockey left to play. Heading into the final minute, the previous fifty-nine had been nothing but nail biting edge of your seat excitement. 

The score was tied 5-5. 

The tension, sweaty palms and stomach knots were almost too unbearable and with just thirty-four seconds left to play, it happened. 

Paul Henderson scored the winner on a rebound. 

Canada rebounded from embarrassment and disappointment to all out cross country jubilation. It sent me screaming in excitement while running down my school hallway to the gymnasium. A gym like that of thousands of other hysterical gyms across the country that late afternoon.

Canada as a country was delirious, finally claiming back the title as the best hockey nation on the planet. It was like nothing this country has ever seen before and probably never will see again. Paul Henderson’s goal sent Canada into a coast-to-coast celebration on the exact same day that all of Canada stood still. It truly was an amazing game, an amazing series and an even more amazing victory.

Canada would go on to win many more International events from Canada Cups and World Juniors to Olympic Gold. Canada dominates the world hockey scene in both men and women events, from juniors to the pros, Canada is always the team to beat.

Hockey Canada's Program for Hockey Excellence will make sure the future is bright for future generations to come. For me that future began when Paul Henderson scored with thirty-four seconds left in game eight of the greatest hockey series ever played.

What an amazing day for my country Canada and what an amazing lifetime memory for me.